Bottlehead Kits > Eros Phono
Eros gets a redo! Introducing Eros 2
Doc B.:
Eros 2 uses the same great sounding circuit as the original Eros, with 50dB of gain, passive RIAA equalization, direct coupled EF86/6922 design based on our well regarded Tube Repro tape head preamp and our unique shunt regulator and C4S constant current sources.
We took a long look at the layout and applied the knowledge we have gained over the past ten years to make the kit easier to build.
Then we revised the special low radiated flux power transformer to be universal.
We also enlarged the chassis slightly to 8" x 12" (9.5" x 13.5" in the wood base) to accommodate the installation of your favorite threaded grommet style step up transformers in case you are a low output moving coil cartridge user (we used some great sounding Sowter 1990 transformers on our proof of concept prototype).
We updated the RCA jacks to the same D style recessed jacks used in the premium BeePre 300B preamp kit and Kaiju 300B amp kit.
New PC boards have been designed that are unique to the Eros circuit, with active loads, plate loads and servos all on one board to make for a simpler build.
(don't tell anyone this but - even though it should sound the same as the old kit - the new Eros 2 seems to sound a little bit more resolving and has a little tighter and punchier bass than Doc's own original Eros with primo tubes)
We're now taking orders. This is a new kit and, while we expect that the time to the first shipments will be the usual four or so weeks, please understand that new kits can sometimes take a bit longer to kit and pack.
Check it out at the link:
I have a Eros and love it.. any big advantage to upgrade or just room for stepup transformer?
Doc B.:
The circuit is the same. My experience is that with stock tubes it sounds a little better than my original Eros, with more resolution, better midrange balance and tighter, punchier bass even with EF806s and a gold pin 7308 in the original. Others have heard the difference and seem to like it too, so hopefully that demonstrates that I am not hallucinating or just wishing it to sound better.
PB built a prototype that has very similar sound, and that one with Sowter stepups really sounds great with my turntable (HTCRO1 cartridge). Is the difference due to the new layout? New PC boards? Better RCA jacks? I dunno, though I would lean towards the new layout possibly having some influence. Anyway I like it a lot and I am using it in place of my original Eros.
Paul Birkeland:
I'm enjoying mine mightily!
My Seduction had a great 15+ year run. Time to move on. Ordered!
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