Just finished rewiring Seductor

timindq · 7554

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on: May 01, 2018, 03:11:01 PM
After building a S.E.X. I wanted to build a Seductor. Unfortunately, I missed my chance to buy a kit so I bought a used Seductor. Although it wasn't apparent in the pics, the amp had some wiring issues. There were several burnt wires, a couple charred resistors and a beat up tube socket. The amp worked, but if the right channel input tube was bumped or not inserted just so, the amp would emit a loud crackle, very disturbing.

Bottlehead was kind enough to provide the parts (very reasonable cost) to replace the input tube sockets as well as several resistors connected. I will say I believe it's easier to build the amp as a kit vs rewiring as removing parts is sometimes messy. After finishing I ran the recommended tests with excellent results.

Listening now and really impressed. The amp is dead quiet with no signal applied and sounds beautiful with music.

Source: Lumin D2 with SBooster power supply, 2tb SSD attached to Lumin, Pre: Moreplay, Amp: Bryston 2bSST, Speakers: Joseph Audio RM22XL. Setup in large, well treated dedicated listening space.