So, this is a slightly OT, but I’m a little confused about PJ’s comment that earth grounding is not important when it comes to noise reduction. I completely believe him, he has more experience than, well, maybe anyone, but a recent build that PB helped me on, led me to believe that earthing is important to noise reduction so I’m trying to understand. PB advised me to ground the signal input ground at the point where the input entered the audio circuit ( in this case it is a PCB). I ran a wire from the signal input ground connection to a star ground that I located next to the IEC. The star ground connects directly to the ground pin on the IEC. When I first powered up the amp(s), they are monos, this wire was not connected and I had some audible hum. When I connected this wire to the star ground that hum ceased. The amps are push/pull K-501s. Also, connected to the star ground are the signal input cable shield ( from the load end) and two wires from aluminum plates that the binding posts and input RCAs (these are on opposite sides of the amps from each other) are mounted in, they have insulated shoulder washers. If the earthing isn’t the reason for the hum reduction, what is? Can you help me understand? I haven’t used the amps in a few weeks so I will experiment with this connection and see if the hum repeats when disconnected but I remember that this connection reduced the hum considerably, I’m pretty sure.