Thanks! I'm very happy with it, I appreciate the help, every amp build is a learning experience. I'm working on something truly insane now....
It is a three-stage all DHT class A2 hybrid amplifier. Gain stage is a CCS loaded 841 (high mu cousin of the 801A) with filament bias, cap coupled to the second stage which is a transistor source follower buffer, which is direct coupled to the grid of the output stage, a fixed bias 801A with an A2 bias point (420Va, -20Vg, 40mA Ia) into a 11K:8ohm OPT. The source follower drives the grid of the 801A far into A2 territory, the grid swings from around +50V to -100V for roughly 6W into 8ohms out of the 801A! I just finished the prototype, sounds darn good too.
Anyway, thanks again.