All, thank you for your exceedingly quick responses.
I know just enough about electronics to get into a moderate level of trouble so forgive me if I falter here.
The balanced outputs I am trying to use are from an Auralic Vega DAC. According to the manual:
Analog Outputs: The balanced and single-ended analog outputs of VEGA are individually buffered so as to be used simultaneously, however, it is still strongly recommended to disconnect unused ports to avoid any potential electromagnetic interference induced by cables. The amplitude of analog outputs is adjustable with maximum level at about 4Vrms on both XLR and RCA outputs. The output impedance of XLR output is very low at 4.7ohm so it can be used to drive almost all kinds of power amplifiers. Please pay double caution NOT to short any pin of any analog output to ground.
It's that last sentence that gives me pause.
The way I read it is: Both outputs (RCA and Balanced) are "live" and producing a signal at all times. If I use the unused balanced outputs for the input on the headphone amp it would need all the proper transformers, etc at the balanced input and I should be cautious of adapters? Grufti, thanks for the links.
Again, a tip of the hat for your help.