Power Cord Review - Best Upgrade I've Made

Jimb0 · 9149

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Offline Jimb0

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on: April 12, 2020, 02:14:06 PM
I had to leave a review for the power cord because simply put, this is the best upgrade I've made on a Bottlehead amp. With a stock Crack and Speedball this has surpassed all the upgrades I've made on it before, including high end caps, pot, and tube upgrades. To me the cord has made the biggest difference in sound quality, with more emphasis in the bass and a major increase in clarity. The music sounds amazingly life-like. I was skeptical as to how much improvement I would hear but I now can never go back to using a stock cable. This is just too good of a sound I am hearing. It was without a doubt worth every penny. I think it even deserves its own name. :) Well done Bottlehead!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 09:51:56 PM by Jimb0 »

Offline kgoss

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Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 02:28:39 AM
I agree completely and should have written this a long time ago.  I bought mine originally for the 90 degree IEC connector to my S.E.X. amp and like you I was skeptical of any sound improvement.  I will never go back to the stock power cord either.  I heard more detail along with a more natural and relaxed presentation.  I use my S.E.X. amp as a desktop speaker and headphone system so maybe the cable is able to reject computer and high frequency electrical noise.  I can't explain it scientifically, I just know it works.

I recommend everyone build one of these power chords.  Maybe you will hear an improvement too, especially if your amp is in an electrically noisy environment.  Worst case is you will have a really nice power cord that sounds as good as any other but looks nicer on a Bottlehead amp.


Ken Goss