ok, after visually re-inspecting all the welds I can't find the bad one, but here's what's strange- now I have balanced stereo sound but the amp sounds like it's literally on crack. Where the base amp was relatively flat and accurate and didn't impart a lot of "headphonics" to the music, now I have all the trademarks of tube amplification- everything is whoopy and very dynamic and a bit distorted and more fun to listen to, but also not what I expected an OTL amp to sound like. Some of it's good but I'm worried I still have a weak connection. The voltages have also changed and I'm not happy that this could mean that I'm going to have a very hard to find bad solder joint. Also, the hum has changed. With nothing playing the amount of hum has decreased, but is still more than with the base amp and now I've noticed a faint ringing that sounds like a clanging if I tap on the amp anywhere. Here are the voltages:
Small board:
OA 73.7
IA 173.2
B-A/B 0.5 mV
IB 173.0
OB 77.9
Large board:
OA 100.0
OB 103.1
G 0.6 mV
B+ 172.5
So, it seems the OB voltage on the large board has come down some in correspondence with the more balanced sound. Apparently whatever bad joint I had is now working a little better? Is the 3V out of range error enough to still be worried, and assuming I would still want to make sure I don't have a borderline weld that could fail, where would I look? Mostly of my welds look ok. I've been doing soldering since I was a kid but I tend to overdo it so more joints have too much solder than too little. If there are any joints I'm specifically worried about it would be terminals 1 through 5 where all the resoldering resulted in excess solder accumulating on the lower connections that I didn't bother to remove. Yesterday after I posted the voltages I did go poke around under the large board looking for bad connections and maybe I pressured a wire in a good way.