Bottlehead Kits > Jaeger Speaker

Finish Panels before or after assembly?


Curious how people have done this.

My finish process consists of applying transtint dye, letting dry followed by 6 coats of Tung oil then two layers of poly.  A long process takes about a week since Tung oil needs to dry ~24 hrs between coats.

I am thinking it may be easier to finish all the exposed surfaces first and then assemble.  Any suggestions


Paul Birkeland:
I would not risk getting the oil on the gluing surfaces. 

I finished after the glue up.

Yes I agree, assemble then finish.  I think it is easier.

Doc B.:
We are in the midst of an edit of a new video covering this exact subject. Hope to have it up on a new youtube channel soon.

Short answer - glue it up first, then apply finishes.


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