Thanks again for the info. i think im narrowing it down and learning a few things on the way. I took Docs advice first first and measured the first uf4700 on the exterior of the tag strip. one side measured infintiy, the other a bit high at around 2.8k. i get pretty much the same on the inside, just with the leads reversed. not exactly sure why but seems to be right and that they are working. per pauls advice i took resitance checks as per the instruction manual and it looked fine. one thing i think may have smoked was that 2.7k 5 watt resistor though, i cant seem to get an accurate reaking off it, i was thinking it may be the caps making it move, so not sure if that is the case but just comapring it to the other 5 watt near the 10000uf cap visually leads me to belive this was where the smoke came from. this would also be obvious since ive already ordered pretty much replacements from mouser for everything else connected to that circuit except for that resistor! anyways, before ripping everything out, i think that is going to be replaces first. my next question would be how important would be the 2.7k rating and could i use something lower around 1k or 500 ohms as it appears i have a few of those laying around. thansk agian for all the help, cant wait until i get this thing up and running again to ask the rest of the questions ive got!