The new transistor arrived today. A two-minute install of the new part, then a quick test. Immediately I noticed all eight LED's on the C4S boards light up, than a thorough re-check of the voltages showed that all the values were now within specified guidelines. Yippee!
The new Mainline is now installed in my system and making sweet music! Looks like it was just a defective transistor after all, just as my EE friend suspected.
So far I am really enjoying the Mainline. It sounds awesome!
Thanks, everybody, for the help in getting this kit up and running. This forum makes all the difference!
Scott Burgess
BeePre 2, Kaiju, Eros 2, Rega P6, Rega Apollo CD player, Bryston BDA-1 DAC, Bryston BDP-1 streamer, Jager speakers, Mainline and Crack for headphones.