Crack with Nighthawk

joralieu · 1436

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Offline joralieu

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on: August 15, 2021, 03:46:18 PM
I have the sex amp and use it with my audioquest nighthawk headphones to good effect. The sale on the crack amp has me interested as I need another headphone amp to use in a system in another room that doesn't have a headphone output. So what would the crack be like driving the nighthawks? Or should I invest in a high impedance headphones to use with the crack?

Offline Mucker

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Reply #1 on: August 15, 2021, 06:38:27 PM
Hi Joe,

I can only speak for myself, but I think everyone is going to agree a high impedance headphone is going to work best with a Crack. And the Speedball upgrade is no brainer.

I use Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro (250 ohm) exclusively with my Crack/SB. It is the perfect result for me. Excellent energetic sound. I am hoping to land a S3X soon but have some other priorities to deal with now.

I've used Sennheiser HD-6XX and they are exceptional also, and a fabulous deal. However, the Beyer's give me just a little more upper end clarity that I really like.

I have tried Grado RS-2e and they are much better on the Crack than I expected. I don't think they are badly handicapped at all. Nice to see Doc offering a great deal on the Crack/SB!

« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 06:47:49 PM by Mucker »