My system setup with the Moreplay (which I just completed a couple weeks ago) uses the Schiit Aegir, and I'm driving high sensitivity speakers, Zu DW's rated at 97dB/W/m. I don't hear any significant rolloff or softness in the highs at all.
Interesting, Schiit specs the Aegir at 22kOhms input impedance and with the Moreplay output rated at less than 3.2kOhms (2.1kOhms @ 1V in/1V out we are in the 10:1 ratio of input to output impedance, but the actual measured impedances mentioned by dth31 that started this post seem way too low to what Schiit rates the amp; is Schiit fudging? I assume we can trust Stereophile's measurements?
Either way, 22kOhms, spec'd, or ~11kOhms, measured, any rolloff is imperceptible to me. Doc B. is right, too, in Steve's video, that that wasn't the pre-amp/power amp combo that elicited the "more than soft" comment.
What I may questions, though, is Steve's pairing of the Aegir with the KEF speakers, rated at 85dB sensitivity and a recommended min power of 25W. The Aegir is rated at 20W per channel, so slightly under powered to be driving the low sensitivity KEF's to any volume maybe? Some softness in the highs from that setup? Steve didn't mention it.
Steve stated that the he had a First Watt F8 in the second system with the KEF's, but didn't give any indication that he listened to the Moreplay with that power amp, 25W into 8 Ohms, per First Watt's published spec's, and at 100kOhms, I can't see any issue with that setup tech-wise.
When Steve mentioned "...the highs are a little more than soft..." it was in the system with the Klipsch Cornwall's, but I didn't hear him mention what power amp he was using in the video; did I miss that he mentions using the Pass Labs amp? The specs for the XA-25 seem more than adequate paired with the Moreplay and Cornwall's - yet in his latest review of the Cornwall IV's (April of last year, yes I just re-watched it) he gave no indication of high end rolloff - but again, no specific comparison to the whole system or specific pre-amps or power amps and overall sound other than "Everytime I made a change [pre-amp and/or amp] the Cornwall sounded different" and "every little change makes a difference, a difference you can hear, sometimes for the better, sometimes not so good." Did one of the setups cause the highs to be soft?
So yeah, in the video, his "more than soft" comment wasn't referenced to any other setup, so, I guess, take his comment with a grain of salt; soft compared to what? The softness certainly may have come from another component in the system, or even the recordings he used in his review (listening to the Paul Ley recording, I'd say the highs are a bit soft to my ear but definitely not in the Black Keys recording) or just his ear. If I recall correctly in some past Audiophiliac video (yeah, I watch Steve's videos religiously), "Your mileage may vary."
To dth31, FWIW, with my Aegir and Zu DW's, the Moreplay is a definite winner setup (which also includes a Bluesound Node2i streaming Tidal and a Schiit Audio Bifrost 2 as the DAC (yes, I'm not using the internal DAC in the Node2i).
On to more tube rolling (ah, yeah, that bug has already bit me when I built my crack.)
Oh, one more thing, I noticed in my setup, too, that the gain in the Moreplay combined with the Aegir and DW's, that the volume can get pretty loud without using the entire range of the volume knob's 300 degree rotation, and Steve mentioned adding external attenuator resistors to "fix" that, but, really, is there an issue with the pre-amp gain being too high? What is the concern, and what will the attenuators buy me? I am able to control the volume from min to max even with the few degrees of knob rotation. (This is the same with my Crack Headphone amp with Senn 600's; 100 degrees or so of volume pot rotation, and I'm at max loudness.)