There are now some headphones based on planar drivers - the Audeze LCD-2 and the HiFiMan HE-6 - which are quite low efficiency as headphones go. The Audeze LCD-2 needs around and amp that doesn't strain to deliver 1/2~1 watt into 50 ohms, and the HiFiMan HE-6 wants more, maybe ~2 watt capable amps, again at 50 ohms. These headphones have been touted as, essentially, the best there is-see the forums- and while opinions certainly differ regarding "best" headphones, there's no doubt these things are pretty wonderful. For example, the Audeze LCD-2, for example, does a better job at reproducing 300 Hz squarewaves than some tubes amps I've seen. LCD-2 is roughly +/- 0.5 dB from 10 Hz to about 2 kHz then +/- 2 db to 20,000. Waterfall plot is basically perfect.... etc and so forth.
The Bottlehead Crack is nowhere near capable of driving these well, as you might imagine. So I was thinking, maybe the Stereomour?
What kind of output is available connecting a 50 ohm load, I assume the best idea would be to use the 16 ohm tap?