Bottlehead Kits > Crack-a-two-a

C2A build Voltage question

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I know, I'm being patient and won't plug them in until everything measures correclty. I double checked the headphone jack measurements and you are correct; they are in mV. Are those numbers low enough or is there an issue in the chain I need to find to bring them to 0?

I can redo all of the pin connections today on the 7 pin sockets and see if it helps. What puzzles me is why does the non-compliant Kreg value travel from the A side of the board to the B side when I swap the tubes? I visually checked and there are no pins touching.

Paul Birkeland:
4mv is 0.004V, which is plenty low. 

The movement of the low Kreg voltage with the tube would suggest trying a new tube, but definitely keep an open mind that there may be something else going on that has to be tracked down later.

I appreciate that. I reworked all the joints on the 7 pin sockets and spent time cleaning up anything that didn’t look amazing. As my build progressed so did my soldering technique and going back to fix all the lesser connections was something I wanted to do anyway. Glad that’s done. I’ll call HQ at a more reasonable hr and see about a replacement tube. Thanks for your super quick responses Paul. A kit can be pieces and a manual. Bottlehead kits come with outstanding customer service and resources!

It turned out one of my 6AQ5 tubes was weak/bad. Bottlehead sent replacements and all the measurements passed. I’ve been using the amp for a little while now and it’s quite nice!


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