Bottlehead Kits > Crack-a-two-a

Low Current C4S RC Resistor Substitution

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When building the low current C4S board, I accidentally broke both of my 220 ohm resistors that belong in the RC position (page 57 of the manual). Is it critical that I use 220 ohm, specific resistor material type, or certain brand?

I ask because I have some extra resistors that I was wondering if might work:

* 220 ohm vishay dale metal film
* 270 ohm carbon film
* generic 220 ohm carbon film (questionable source and quality due to bulk resistor box)
If not, which resistors do you recommend I purchase for replacing the broken ones?

Paul Birkeland:
The Dale 220 and carbon film 220 would be acceptable substitutes.  Just be sure to put a meter on them to double check the value.

Would there be any downsides with using the dale resistor?
I'd imagine the reason it was carbon film in the first place was to minimize unnecessary cost.

Paul Birkeland:
Technically carbon composition is the best choice for that spot, but those suckers like to break if you aren't careful with them, so we changed over to carbon film.

Could you please clarify why the resistor composition matters for a location?


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