I am happy to report that I completed the build late last night. It passed all tests first time through, and I had it singing minutes later. It sounds amazing, naturally

, thank you Doc, Paul, Paul. The output impedance switching is interesting, very audible differences. More on that later when I have had a chance to digest it.
All that white wiring is 16ga braid-shield twisted-pair multi-stranded silver-plated teflon-insulated wire (sounds fancy on paper), but is an absolute bear to work with. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I cannot recommend it. It does neaten the appearance of the 2A3 heater wire and the output spaghetti bowl. And, contributes to the amp being very quiet, the tiniest bit of heater hum from the left channel, but I need my ear 2" from the driver to hear it with very efficient speakers.
I am not completely finished. At a future point I will be adding the Shut Regulator upgrade, and I have some RCA 2A3 black plate NOS waiting in the wings. Oh, and I have some figured Claro Walnut I plan to use to make book-matched bases for the Stereomour and the Moreplay set.
Thanks for all your encouragement!