Bottlehead Kits > Crack-a-two-a

High voltage checks - help please!

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Hi, I have assembled my c2a and really enjoyed the build. I have hit a stumbling block on the voltage checks with a high result on KregA and various high voltages on all the boards. Please can I seek some help?

I will post voltage results and if it helps I can list the steps I've taken to chase down the error.

I should add I'm in UK so on 240v.

Thank you in advance!


HP: T = 0.6mv steady whilst R cycles between 20mv and 50mv

IA = 197 (!)
OA = 66
KregA = 12.5 (!)
BregA = 172 (!)
IB = 172 (!)
OB = 72
KregB = 6.8
BregB = 196 (!)

High VoltageBoards
         RCA side    <>     PSU side
IA          198                    194
OA         196 (!)               170 (!)
bA          0                       0
IB            0                       0         
OB         108                   103
bB         196 (!)               170 (!)         

Paul Birkeland:
Are +reg and Breg jumpered on the center board as shown in the manual on page 58 at the very bottom?

Hi Paul,
Yes bridges look correctly done. Photo of my board attached for ease.
Thank you for the quick reply!

Paul Birkeland:
What's the DC voltage on pin 1 of each 6AQ5 tube?  The Kreg voltages are plenty high to allow the regulator to work, but the absence of properly regulated voltages on both sides would point to some kind of repeated mistake on each side. 


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