Mainline Done - Another Successful Build

dhherring · 4648

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Offline dhherring

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on: July 05, 2024, 04:32:15 AM
Just completed the assembly of my Mainline.  This would be the forth Bottlehead kit I have put together.

As with the other builds, .paying close attention to the detailed instructions and checking my solder joints as I completed them resulted in a problem free startup.

And, Oh My Goodness.......

This is one very good sounding piece of equipment.  My setup is Jriver MC/Tidal on my computer -> Schiit Bifrost 2/64 -> Mainline -> Sennheiser HD-650's.

I'm hearing details and separation that I just did not pickup before.   And it is dead quite when not making music.

Well Done!

Certainly has be thinking about upgrading my cans, even though I have not had these HD-650's for that long.

Now, if I just had room for more gear, there are a couple more of the BH kits that I would love to have.  . 


Vinyl: Technics SL-1200GR2 w/Denon DL-110 -> Eros Phono Pre -> Stereomour -> Klipsch Heresys
Digital: Jriver MC/Tidal -> Schiit Bifrost 2/64 -> Mainline -> Sennheiser HD-650