So I've just not dealt with this, and have been turning the amp on ith the volume all the way down, waiting 15 - 20 seconds and then using it.
But then, yesterday I got the screeching! That is, volume didn't make a difference. It just wailed. So I went to work at it. I started by securing the Obbligato and Teflon caps that I had simply dangling. In doing this the one on the left got loose, suggesting that it might have been a bad connection. I resoldered the connections, secured the caps, and it worked again.
I used it on and off (meaning I turned it on and off again, and on again and off, etc.) throughout the day and again this morning. But just now I turned it on and got the screeching again, but only for about 1 second--too quick for me to pull the speaker plugs or cut the power. So now I'm listening again and it sounds fine.
What do you think is going on here?