Okay I finally got my Raspberry Pi going with my HiFiMeDIY Sabre USB DAC. Squeezelite sets it up when you install squeezeplug and the Squeezelite Music Player.
However, HOWEVER it sounds like crap. Pops, static, etc. So I found this guys web site.
http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=31241&p=270802Copy his code into your /etc/asound.conf file and reboot and it works PERFECTLY. Sounds awesome pumping through my Bottlehead Paramour and Foreplay system with SEXy speakers.
One other gotcha. The squeezelite installation creates some files that launch it at boot. My Raspberry Pi would boot but Squeezelite would not.
I went to the file /etc/default/squeezelite
and it was trying to call the program as:
-n Squeezelite -o [soundcard selected by the installation]
I know enough about linux that that launch would never fly so I altered it to:
squeezelite -o [soundcard selected by the installation]
Squeezelite now boots up with the RPi and is found by every Logitech Media Server in my home including iPeng on my iPhone and iPad.
I'm blown away with the sound.
Anyway buy the DAC, alter those two files like I said and it works like a champ. If I get a chance I'll throw up a little web page.