Then there are people like me. Read somewhere that Doc liked Auricap (might be true, might not!). Put some in, sounded good. Done. I suppose I have used Teflon, Obligatto, and some others here and there but when it came to Bottlehead, it was pretty much build it with Auricap and call it good. I never wanted to capacitor roll, I didn't even want to deal with replacing capacitors later. So I know less about what these capacitor upgrades did only ever having upgraded the capacitors after having listened to stock in my original Foreplay II. My point (finally) is if you want to obsess, great, if you enjoy that kind of tinkering that's great! If not, do what I did in my Eros. Pick a cap that has a good reputation. Stick it in. If it sounds good, listen to the music and call it a day. Your call!