About size of nuts & screws...

Kai · 5502

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Offline Kai

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on: August 23, 2013, 05:00:15 AM
Two years ago I built my very first BH product - smack. Interestingly the most difficult part to me was to find out the different sizes of screws and nuts.... Somehow I managed to complete the build, however...to date, I still have no idea how to identify the size differences...part of this is because I'm from a different country that uses a different sets of units.....
So I was wondering...if anyone would be able to provide a chart, like a chart that can be printed out on an A4 paper with actual layouts & sizes, so that this time I wouldn't be as lost...

Thank you!


Offline mpeg2

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Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 05:13:42 AM
One approach is to simply use a little bit of inference - starting with the info that the system used for the screws, nuts & whatever in the kits has them getting bigger as the number increases - so #4 screws (or nuts) are smaller than #6, which are smaller than #8... So, if you take the parts list - and sort the screws & nuts by size, you can map it all out. Even though I grew up with this system, I've never bothered to figure out the actual measurments - just use this method.

The Metric system is so much more sensible (especially since my background is engineering).

Hope this helps.


Offline Kai

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Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 05:36:10 AM
Thank you!
When the kit arrives, I will start sorting first!