Glad to be of help, sorry about your wallet

I would start with 8ohms, i've stuck with that for a variety of different headphones, and since your planning on driving speakers that would make 8ohms an ideal setting.
As always, build it stock first, then move onto the Bottlehead options, impedance switch boards, then the C4S. Basically you want to get all that up and running before you start adding in custom parts to the mix.
As for the upgrades, the capacitors will give you the most immediate change, but i would would fit them last as they limit access to the rest of the circuit around them and its all too easy to ruin a nice cap by hitting a hot soldering iron against it.
Also resist the urge to chuck all the parts in at once, best to use it for a while so you can fully appreciate the differences each change will make. Enjoy, and keep us posted!