This, my third Bottlehead project, has sort of taken over. My first, the Bottlehead 300B Paramounts v1.1, are in my main line up and sing all the time. The second, the Bottlehead Crack, sits there and just waits for me to sit still long enough to use it! I have issues, which the length of the headphone cord sort of limits. I am using the Sennheiser 650 set with them and couldn't be happier with the combo. This Stereomour, completed and now thoroughly burned in, is now sitting in my dining area and is hooked up to David Duglos's Frugal Horn Mark 3's with the Fostex 126En full range drivers. A fun build. I am also using this as the main sound system on my older MacBook Pro via the Toslink through a Grant Fidelity TubeDAC 0.9 to supply the signal to the Stereomour. Am currently running PureMusic on top of iTunes which is a killer combo.
Oh my. I keep coming back to it. It draws me in. The immediacy, the sense of detail and the impact all are amazing. The Stereomour is still totally stock! I go back to check out a track and the whole album plays through and I am left sighing... Do you get this? I hope so.
Many, many years ago I played in orchestras and bands and pep groups during high school. The memory of how instruments sound in a hall is still something that will draw me into the room at any time. The thing that still gets me is that many modern recordings are overly compressed and mixed but when you run into a recording that was minimally miked and just allowed to capture the moment, with the right equipment, you get that.
Again, kudos to Bottlehead! It is still all about the music!