Crack - specific headphone kit?

Doc B. · 78358

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Offline Doc B.

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Reply #45 on: February 13, 2014, 11:15:10 AM
Thanks for the observation. To clarify, the cable is only one part of the kit. There are several changes made that are not related to the cable. Some changes affect the bass, some affect the midrange, some affect the treble, some affect the wearing comfort.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Bottlehead Corp.

Offline spaniard02

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Reply #46 on: February 13, 2014, 11:50:47 AM
Thanks for the observation. To clarify, the cable is only one part of the kit. There are several changes made that are not related to the cable. Some changes affect the bass, some affect the midrange, some affect the treble, some affect the wearing comfort.
Totally with you on that - I know there's a lot more to the kit than the cable. 

Was just talking strictly about the apparent impedance mismatch/contradiction in the absence of additional info.  I know the BH philosophy teaches people to relax on applying 8/10-to-1 hp-to-output impedance rule to focus on other things, but that difference between 40ohms and ~150+ohms threw me for a loop when I first saw it, that's all.

Offline mahdi8

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Reply #47 on: February 13, 2014, 12:08:46 PM
I had the same issue ordering the quickie, shipping to Ireland was $42 but when i added another item (PJCCS) the shipping cost doubled to $84. In that instance i just called Eileen and she sorted it out for me.

May I know what was the quoted price to ship 2 for you?

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #48 on: February 13, 2014, 12:34:18 PM
I did go back and attempt to clarify the description on the product page. I would caution anyone who takes "impedance rules" or other audio rules of thumb as absolute. There are a lot of factors involved in designing these kinds of systems and it's a lot better to think of them as guidelines than rules. Every design choice has a positive aspect and a negative aspect, and the creative part of the design process is getting the positives to outweigh the negatives.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Offline mSummers

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Reply #49 on: February 14, 2014, 03:27:01 AM
Doc,  since the cord is removable, this might be the perfect kit for me to use at my office.  I plan to put the Crack I'm building at my desk, but I also spend some time marking up drawings in the conference room. 

Could I make 2 cords, one with the resistance and one without so I could use it with the Crack at my desk and with my iPhone when I'm working away from my desk?

- Michael

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #50 on: February 14, 2014, 04:39:06 AM
I have been so focused on making this kit specifically for Crack that I have not listened to other amps with the modded cans and stock cord. I will try to carve out some time to listen today with other amps and an iPhone and give an opnion on whether the other mods besides the cable are a plus or minus with other gear.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Bottlehead Corp.

Offline lextek

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Reply #51 on: February 15, 2014, 01:31:03 AM
I think the Bottlehead skins are the magic for the cans. 8)

Bob Lasky

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Reply #52 on: February 25, 2014, 03:00:33 PM
Nice range of smileys btw on the reply!

Yeah I am looking forward to a package deal...Bottlephones with Crack and Speedball. 

I will of course tweak the parts and tinker with it...that's what I love about bottlehead stuff.

This will be a nice interim step till I get into a better situation and can save up for some Paramounts
and building some Fostex 206's in John Swensens's bazooka config. 

I am also thrilled that you have a BSC kit available since that build needs one.

Happy bottling to everyone.

PS.   Was great talking to you on the phone...always value your insights
