IMHO it is a waste of money to purchase any addition 6080 or 6AS7's for tube rolling over the stock tube, save your money and put it towards a 5998 or 2399, if one can not afford the 5998 then definitely try the 6AS7 over any 6080. I have not heard the 421A, 5998A, or 7236, all variations in the 5998 family.
Tubes that I have rolled through my Crack (I had 17 6080/6AS7 tubes before purchasing the Crack, the 2399/5998 were the only tubes that I purchased):
6080WB: Raytheon, Sylvania, Tung-Sol, GE, and Chatham
6AS7G: RCA, Raytheon, and Tung-Sol
2399/5998: Chatham and Tung-Sol.
Again IMHO in general the 6AS7 is better sounding than any 6080 tube. The 6080 is an extremely rugged tube (really like the looks of this tubes internal structure), but just like the 5691/5692 tube in the 6SL7/6SN7 family, tubes build for long life and rugged uses are usually not the best sounding tube.
Driver Tube: Way too many to list, but my preference is the 6SN7GT. Tung-Sol round plate 6SN7GT, or RCA VT-231/6SN7GT, leaning towards the RCA in the Crack.
The 5998 is a large improvement over the 6080, not as big an improvement over the 6AS7 but still the better sounding tube.
I believe that the largest improvement in sound quality comes from the driver tube. But, finding the best sounding driver tube for a 6080, does not mean that it would be the best sounding tube with the 6AS7 or 5998. One must roll tubes for each individual Output tube to find the optimal sound.
Caution!! The level of modification also greatly effects the quality of sound of any piece of equipment. My Crack has the Speedball upgrade, 104 uf film OP Caps (parallel 52uf), last Power Supply cap is a 52uf film, and last PS resister replaced with a choke, and all PS and OP caps bypassed with .01 uf teflon caps. If you have a stock Crack or have only the Speedball upgrade my recommendations may not apply, just a rough starting point.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 02:24:12 PM by Lee Hankins »
Lee Hankins
"End of the Road"
Homer, Alaska