Hi, Is the getter at a 30 degree angle? Might be a Valvo in disguise ?? Which are highly regarded and similar sonics to telefunkens.
Hi John,
It looks like this:
I got it with a batch of other 12AU7s (
Tungsrams, a GE, an EH & a Sylvania 12AU7A) from a guitarist mate who builds / restores valve guitar amps.
He got them off some old techo guy who didn't want them anymore. My mate is into old Fender circuits - they don't use 12AU7s so he gave them to me.
Also included an old Mullard, which was found to be stuffed when used in my Crack so it got tossed (https://forum.bottlehead.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi204.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fbb272%2Fraksasajohn%2FSmilies%2Fcry_1.gif&hash=7a84ee03e0bbef2bdbbfc19affb87b714a5eb3dd).
Listening to these albums tonight (
actually Sunday morning in Oz):
(https://forum.bottlehead.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi204.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fbb272%2Fraksasajohn%2FaaaaPro%2FPhotos%2FMUSIC%2FFolder-1.jpg&hash=7470a38bea6afb1a656595724a07a721adb2e382) (https://forum.bottlehead.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi204.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fbb272%2Fraksasajohn%2FaaaaPro%2FPhotos%2FMUSIC%2FFolder.jpg&hash=6f069094a9cd860d59c9e3f8b66cb79798eb0ad0)
The Mahler esp. sounds sublime. Very sweet on the strings, beautiful natural ambience bloom on the horns, and non-bright detail everywhere.
0 FLAC 44.1 -> FooBar WASAPI -> USB input of Meier Audio StageDAC -> BH Crack, via Blue Jeans top of the line Belden I/C -> Beyer DT 880 600 ohm Manufakturs.
Crack has TKD pot, Kimber input wire and upgraded RCAs.
Also just put a Mundorf .01 uf Supreme silver/gold/oil cap on the last PS electro in the Crack as a bypass.
Just coz I had it lyin' around (
forgot what it was meant for).
No idea if it really does anything, but the amp is sounding great to me at the moment.