Bottlehead Kits > Crack-a-two-a

LED's not glowing

(1/4) > >>

Alright, fixed that, now the 2 LED's on the A side of the High current regulator board over the D socket aren't glowing.

My voltages are all pretty much normal, except on KregA I'm getting 1.9V, and on IB, I'm getting 197V. 

IB on which board?

Low Current

OK, so the A side board has non-lighting LEDs, but all voltages are correct (odd...).

Your B side board is lighting, and all voltages are correct, including OA, which is connected to term 16, which is connected to IB on the low current board, where the voltage is incorrect (very odd...).

Your symptom list doesn't make a lot of sense. Which LEDs aren't lighting? What are all of your voltages? Can you post some pictures of your build?


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