Background that you can skip:
Joel In TN and his lovely wife just left. He and I did some adjusting on his Rega table. It was almost perfectly set up from the dealer but needed a little more tracking force and the anti-skate was not right.
Here is the important stuff:
The anti-skate was a pain to adjust. It was hard to make small adjustments. So we fed the table into a simple phono stage into my oscilloscope. I found that using a pencil rolling the tip against the anti-skate peg would move the anti-skate slightly as needed.
Here is the BIG hint. I used the old Hi-Fi News... test LP playing one of the anti-skate tracks. I inverted one channel of the scope, hit add ch A and ch B and tweaked till the trace was all but a flat line. This made setting the anti-skate very quick and straight forward.
I was all but amazed. I know a number of Bottleheads have scopes and I would suggest trying this.
BTW, azimuth is adjusted the same way. The lowest output with the channels inverted and added is when the stylus is dead center in the groove.
A new, EVEN BETTER, idea in reply #7 below.