Bottlehead Kits > Legacy Kit Products

The Phantom SR45 Build - Snow Creek Shuttle Episode 1-A Bottlehead Saga

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Roughly 20 years ago I was introduced to the Bottlehead community via the DIY speaker building community. And after building my first Bottlehead kit, a pair of Paramours, I was hooked.

With considerable assistance from PJ, PB, CB, Voltsecond, Wardsweb and others, I built Foreplays (I, II and III), S.E.X I and II, Paramounts, an Eros, two BeePres, a Crack, some Quickies and repaired and/or customized piles of classic Dynaco, HH Scott, Altec and Macintosh gear.

Then, I was injured in the line of duty. Loosing much of the motor control in my right hand and finding myself unable to hold a soldering iron still enough build anything. So in true do it yourself fashion, I went to school to learn mechatronics engineering. Figured if I couldn't hold an iron, at least I could build the robots to hold one for me. And while successful in building said robots. It still wasn't as satisfying.

Then it was suggested to me to adopt smithing as a form of physical therapy. So I learned metalworking. Welding, then blacksmithing, then copper and silver smithing. Working from larger to smaller until now. Where I have reached the point that I can once again build by hand (Not to mention the robots).

Prior to my injury I had plans to build a SR-45.

Now, at long last I give you "The Snow Creek Shuffle-Episode I: The Phantom SR45" build thread. apologies to PB and PJ if this spurs requests for the long oop SR45 board.


I like big caps and I cannot lie.

To provide them some extra breathing room I decided to go with some spare Paramount top plates. Sanded to a low polish, 2000 grit, then primed and painted Hammer tone copper.

Machined Teflon tube sockets.

Custom resin printed hole shrinker.

All brass hardware.

PT-7 power transformer.

Prototype OT-2 output transformer and PC-3 plate choke I traded PJ some OG PT-2s for.

NOS paper wound C-7X in Rust-Oleum white.

Underside of the resin hole shrinker.

Random unbranded RCA and binding posts I picked up at an electronics market in Seoul, Korea.

Black resin printed hole drilling guides/standoffs to accommodate the OT-2 and PC-3 on the Paramount Chassis

Safety ground wiring.


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