As EU member on here you can buy from Mouser as wel as other stores. In the UK u find rapidonline that supplies a lot of parts. Hificollective is a good source for boutique parts.
Read the forums for other upgrades. Use other members Crack for inspiration.
As a wise guy on this forum once said: there not an upgrade to any powersupply that hasn't translated to better sound. Which is very true for the Crack. Other upgrades are the output coupling capacitors.
I'm a cheapskate when it comes to cap rolling and have a large supply of Russian capacitors for my amplifiers.
So keep reading and read some more on these forums and you will find every answer you are looking for.
Sometimes i find it handy to use this website via google vs via the search to get better results.
"Upgrading" parts in an amp and tube rolling has it limits. Most gains come from circuit design and Doc B repeats this in a lot of topic you find on this subject. I've gone from Crack to a completely modded Crack (overdone it a bit) to S3X to Mainline and i got confirmation that circuit design beats every parts change "upgrade" anytime.
So, while i do think Bottlehead products have room for "improvement", it is worth it, brings better sound quality and you definitely can learn a lot from upgrading your Crack:--> Don't spend to much money on upgrades/holey grail crazy tubes and start saving for the next step up!
What i would say are reasonable upgrades:
Speedball is the best.
The bridge rectifier as this gives insight in the influence of the powersupply on sound.
A choke in the powersupply for the same reason as above.
You can bypass the last powersupply cap with a film cap (another cheap one).
E80CC/12BH7 tubes with minor changes to the speedball board can be another good learning point.
Output caps with or without bypass can make a difference.
A word on tube rolling.
All tube rolling is just fun and make for another flavour in sound and i recommend trying it.
Those super expensive tubes are like boutique/expensive capacitors. They are good for the people that buy them and want to believe they sound better. For example, in my personal experience i can't recommend any super expensive tube as they don't always sound better. I don't think my ECC802S Telefunkens sound any better than the normal ones. They sound different, with more insight, soundstage and so on, but come with a different tone compared to the normal ones, which i prefer. Same goes for other computer rated/extra overbuild/super tubes. It's all personal, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Do not spend money on tubes. Try to bump in to them on flea markets, local second hand online pages and the like. You don't have to pay crazy prices and with luck you get any tube you wish for. It's not abnormal to find a beautifully build Mullard Blackburn driver ECC82 tube in the UK or a GEC power tube for cheap. Be patient, keep your eyes open.
Edit:" Here's the perfect example on how you overdo it: Will update the pictures.