Okay, everything is okay on the PS rails.
12 = 0, resistance good
15 = 1.1v
21 = 0, resistance good
22= 0, resistance good
31 through the end = all good within 10% and clean music comes out that side.
Active load board -------------Full stop-----------------
Went to see if there was voltage on the underside of the active load board coming in, there was.
Then when I bent it up to take a good measurement I got good voltage in 12, 15, 21, 22. Looks like a crummy solder connection on 21. All is lit up and working now.......and crap I just ordered a bunch of LED's from Digikey but I got some other stuff too so no biggie.
Thanks for the quick response. That has always been my experience here. I have 2 Foreplay 3's, a Foreplay 2 that I sold, SEX, Paramour, SEXy Speaker and have 2 Cracks and built another one for someone.
Haven't dabbled for a while but it's fun and worth the money!
Thanks Paul..............John