Few days ago I bought Eros 2, downloaded manual and read it this weekend. I find out, that resistor 90R9 resistor, connected to EF86 anode is not on schematics (page 7). Instead, acc. to schematics, there should be just piece of wire. Where is mistake - in schematics or further in manual?
Another question: in Eros-1 C4S board Q1 was 2N2907, in Eros-2 - PN2907. I might have few 2N2907. Can I use them at this position?
And the last question: bending the leads of HLMP 6000 LEDs "up" - I guess reason is just to see band that identiï¬es the cathode and check orientation of LED in case of any fault? Or if oriented "as they should", LED’s are lighting too bright and are visible from the open bottom of preamp?