Up and running. And running fine.
Tried it with a number of 300B tubes. Pair of KR tubes from olden days when Riccardo Kron was still alive. Never used much as they were WAY too microphonic, And still are. Causes acoustic piano to sound more like an electronic one. Tizzy, in a word.
With the EH tubes supplied as well as some late 90's-early2000 era WE 300B re-issues from Charlie Whitner, a slight tizzyness or 'hardness' in the upper range remains.
Not sure why. Easy to change tubes. They are running with so little current/voltage that you don't have to let them cool off in order to safely touch them.
Maybe the Stepped Attenuator/Constant Current Source upgrade will help? Plan to do at least the constant current source part of that upgrade leaving the pots as they are for a time. Really need the balance control due to seating issues in the room. That said, betting a Big Fat Choke on that 300B would tame the tizzyness/upper register hardness! That's a story that will sadly never be told.
Also am a bit confused on what the Constant Current Source actually is or does. On the blurb of the product page for the upgrade, all of the blurbbing is about the 'sweet whispers' part of the upgrade and little or nothing on the Constant Current Source part (which from prior posts here seems to be doable in two steps)?
Is it really a Constant Current Source (below the cathode controlling the current) or is it an active load (a solid state choke, as it were)? Guessing active load as the picture shows the cathode circuit intact and the big ugly sand-cast resistors are no longer in the picture.
Not so sure about possible output cap upgrades being easy(if larger and fatter) as the upgrade board seems to be sitting right on top of the stock Dayton cap?
And maybe the BeePree2 is producing more 'high frequency detail' than my current tube PS/tube regulated 6SN7 pre-amp and it's all in my head?
The BeePree2 also produces more than a bit of background HUMMMM when cranked, but maybe that's easily curable. I have two DACs I like and for some reason the Audio-GD produces about 3dB more output than the Denafrips which is currently in the system, and that on the RCA outputs.
Why? Who knows? I like them both so have no problem switching.
Also, I padded down the MonAmours about 3-dB or so in order to eliminate any and all pre-amp noise from the 6SN7 pre that the BeePre2 is doing its best to replace. MonAmours have a bit more gain than the 300B monoblocks they replaced and that did the trick.
As the volume control INCREASES ambient noise on the BeePree, being located at the output, an increase in both input level along with an increase in gain in the amp it is driving should fix this as that would seem to mean the BeePre2 output will be cranked down about 6dB from where it's currently set?
So, C+ for sound (so far) but certainly an A+ for looks!