Why thank you. It is actually my web site, and has been growing for many years. If you did any exploring you will find a lot of stuff on woodwinds, Adobe Creative Suite, graphic design, problem solving, science, OS X, etc. It started as a site selling Kanstul brass instruments, and then I started using it as a replacement for textbooks for my classes. All the while every time I did any research on DIY audio/electronics, home recording, etc. I would archive the information primarily for my use. The site was out of hand a year ago, and I am slowly whittling it down as I get ready to retire. FTI: co-bw stands for COlorado Brass and Woodwinds
Regarding the DIY electronics/guitar/audio stuff, I have contacted most of the manufacturers whose material I use and have even made some monetary contributions to others to use post their material. I have also created a lot of the pages myself. I have not done any serious work on it in a few months due to other obligations, but for the noob or the experienced there is almost everything one needs, or links to the appropriate sites, in terms of DIY resources. When I first jumped into the DIY world I became frustrated by how many different sites I would have to visit to get the right info...this frustration is what drove me to construct the site.
I still have many audio DIY links that I need to post, as well as about 20 tutorials pertaining to building a home server/audio system using OS X (sorry, I abandoned Windows a few years back.) I am always open to constructive criticism or if there is something someone would like to see posted then please let me know--not that it will happen immediately, but it will be placed on my "to-do" list.
Yea, I decided to show off my Crack on the index page. I have visited hundreds of DIY sites, and BH is by far the most comprehensive when it comes to products and offers the most bang for the buck.