For starters, anyway, I installed the DynamiCaps today following the instruction to make the longer leads the 'input' side: 0.1 interstage, and 1.0 output (in place of the 0.47 uf stock value). Right off the bat and without any burn-in (assuming I'm not just kidding myself), they sound more open, detailed and well, dynamic than the stock Dayton Audio caps. Not that the stock caps sounded bad. I'm sitting with an LP I know well - the nothin' special Riverside reissue of Waltz for Debby. More wood and richer timbre in Scott Lafaro's bass, better attack on the drum kit, altho' the brush work, which was always kind of in your face, is a little too prominent now. I think I'm also hearing a modest improvement in the attack and tone density for the piano. Not really sure about that last part. Anybody else use these capacitors?
"Too soon old;
Too late schmart"
The late Mr. Fox, Fox's Deli, Rochester, NY
Mike P.