So, I have built the standard Crack and have been enjoying that for a couple of weeks. Voltages measured fine, worked perfectly, sounded great, the usual.
Next up, the Speedball. Assembled the boards, attached the wiring, mounted and started measuring. Most voltages check out fine, tubes light up, but there are a few anomalies that I'm wrestling with:
1 - 170V instead of the expected 75-80V
B1 - 170V instead of the expected 75-80V
A8 - 15V instead of the expected 1.56V(the diode here does not light up)
This seems to affect only the small "A" board of the Speedball, the voltages from the "B" board(terminal 5 for example comes in at 82V) all check out fine.
At first, the diode at D2 on the A board did not light up, so I replaced the 2N2907 and then it lit up. After that I tried replacing the MJE350 on the A board, but still the same.
Any troubleshooting suggestions?