I currently use a Cambridge NP30 to play digital files from a USB memory or NAS (all a bit new, and slightly mysterious to me.)
I run this into a "Tubemagic D1" DAC, upgraded OpAmps, NOS output tube (via Optical)
Then though my amp/old favorite speakers
For a more "revealing" listen, through my BH Crack/speedball and Senheiser HD650s
Listening to FLAC files this way sounds superb to me. [some 44.1/16bit, up to 96/24bit (max for current streamer and DAC)]
I also enjoy vinyl.
I don't think I'm a terribly "sensitive" listener. Too much exposure to helicopters, motorbikes and rock music, maybe.
Anyone care to offer an opinion on how audible an upgrade to the new BH DAC would likely be for me?
Just comments/suggestions/opinions sought. Not guarantees