More great info here.. honestly, I don't know *too* much about the Kaiju (seems like the other products offered have more "coverage" online) but it seems from what I have read here that its going to take a BIG jump in OPT to make any positive effect, if at all.
As to the Zu: They definitely tend towards lean on the bottom end, and at least with the Druids, that air gap on the bottom has a big effect on the response. I can tell from my Luxman experience vs. the 300B test, that the latter is more suiting the speaker. The Druid is very light on its feet and can really make use of the micro texture and air that 300B provides, and to the detriment of what I do have, it does accentuate that little bit of harshness that push-pull can have. Just for reference, Zu's recommended amps for tubes were both 300B: Audion Silver Night and Melody 300B. From speaking with some other guys that have owned a lot of Zu speakers and many combinations of amplifiers with them, their consensus was that they do will well with 300B power, but seem to do best with the power level of PSET 300B. 45 and 2AC didn't offer enough headroom.
Of course, PSET brings its own issues to the table.. which is why I am very interested in the Kaiju!
I will ask, from an academic perspective and for others who may come across this thread.. how do some of the top tier amplifiers deal with the limitations of PSET? I'm thinking Audionote Japan, for example. These are amplifiers that are basically cost-is-no-object.. so Im a bit curious why they would lean on PSET if it has an Achilles heel.