Following up on this thread as I'm interested in a similar setup. I often like having some music going while I'm cooking or doing chores, so I'd like to find a way to make the quickie passive during these times, and active while I'm in the listening room really taking in the music.
I have the 1.1 quickie with PJCCS. I added a third input (DAC, iPod/phone, and will be adding a Reduction Phono), so I've already installed a basic on off switch in the chassis (between battery and source selector). I'm hoping for an easy rewire so that instead of on/off I would have active(on)/passive(off).
My main questions are: Do I need to install another set of outputs or can I just wire volume pot>DPDT>existing single output? Is the DPDT I currently have in there the correct kind of switch for this application? I know I'm going to explain it poorly, so I attached a drawing below with what I'm thinking will work. I've also attached a picture of my present arrangement.
While I'm messing around, I'm also thinking about swapping a Goldpoint 50K stepped attenuator for the stock pot. Will this be a good fit in this application? Goldpoint recommends 25K for both tube and passive preamps, but PJ - it sounds like you'd vote for 50K?
All of this will eventually run out to either a SEX or Paramount (TBD).
Surely appreciate any and all help here!
EDIT: I should qualify that I plan to remove the current switch and restore the direct connection from the source selector to the volume pot. Also, I noticed in my drawing that it looks like I wrote "no charge" it is, in fact, "no CHANGE".
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 08:33:44 AM by WK3K »
Rega P3-24 w/ Rega Exact > Eros II> Quickie w/PJCCS > Stereomour II w/ DC filament supply > Blumenstein Orca Mini/Max 2.1
MacBook > Grace SDAC > Crack w/ Speedball > Sennheiser HD6XX