The biggest improvement was made once I grounded the choke (You might be rolling your eyes by now:))
Instead of the single shielded microphone cable I was using, there is now a pair of them. 1 for each channel. I believe this brought the buzz/hum even further down.
I made myself some RCA shorting plug. Took a cheap RCA and cut two ends off it.
Then I connected the wire to shield/ground on both of them. This I should have done a long time ago. There is much less noise when I have them installed compared to when they have nothing installed.
After these improvements and discoveries, the noise is lower but it has also changed.
Now I can hear a low hizz that responds to different volume settings. (Note: this hizz is louder with the Clear tops than other 12au7 tubes.
These tests are done with the Clear Top installed. Tested with shorting plugs installed.
*0% Volume = Very low hizz. I can hear the difference when I plug in an out my HD650s
10% Volume = hizz is going up with volume
20% Volume = the hizz has now stopped going up in volume
80% Volume = The hizz is going down in volume.
100% Volume = Now the hizz is the same as at *0% volume.
50-60 cycle buzzing:
Every time my hand is on the volume knob or closer the the 12au7 tubes, there is a 50-60Hz buzz.
The buzz is volume dependent in exactly the same way as the hizz is. At 80% volume, the buzz starts to fade out. I am pretty sure its 50Hz because I have been listening to different guitar buzzing videos and it sounds more like 50Hz then 60Hz.
It might have something to do with that I am in Denmark and the mains here are running on 230V 50Hz, correct me if I am wrong.
I have measured resistance on ground connection accordingly to this excellent threat below. ground was 0.6 Ohm on my el cheapo meter.
I have attached few pictures that show the amplifier in current state. Not state of the art, but only small sonic issues left.