I also have the soft start up and running. Ran the Sovtek 2a3s for about a day and then put in a pair of EML mesh plates.
I have about 7 hours on the EMLs and they sound quite good, I think better than the Sovteks. Seems like more detail in the music.
One time when I powered up the EMLs, one channel was much softer and thinner than the other. I powered down, waited the 20 minutes,
and replaced the EMLs with the Sovteks. Powering up all was good. Powered down, waited 20 minutes, and put the EMLs back, this time switched
between the amps. Powered up and all was fine. I don't know if this was a tube socket contact issue, or what. The last 4 or 5 power cycles on the amp have
been fine.
I'm using 105db LaScalas and the first click on the foreplay III is medium loud and the second click is my-wife-asks-me-to-turn-it-down loud.
Time to put the voltage divider on the input that folks here helped me with back in.
I have a pot as a voltage divider now. It's one that Grainger or Caucasian Backplate recommended. I also used PJ's paper on noise.
As I get the pot set right, is it worth replacing it with high quality fixed resistors?