Delivery from Mouser this morning--so I fired up my solderign station, took out the bad side C4S transistors and put in the replacements and . . . no difference(!). That wasn't it.
At this point, assuming that the problem must be somewhere in either the regulator board or the left channel C4S board, I think I'll just contact Eileen and order replacement all the parts I need to start fresh on those two boards.
It can't have anything to do with the PS board, right? I'm getting 275v on both channels from there. The problem doesn't manifest itself until the regulator board. And it can't be any of the stoppers, right? And I've ruled out the tubes. And I've reflowed solder on all of the ground connections. So all that's left are the boards. Could it be specifically the A side 2N2222A transistor or LM431A regulator on the regulator board? Could either of them been damaged by the unsoldered join on the C4S board?
Thanks again for the help. I'm chalking this experience up to learning a lesson about patience.