So I'm pretty sure it wasn't outside noise creeping in.
After 3 or 4 trouble free hours over the last couple of days I noticed a tiny blue flash from the vents to the left of the 12BH7 when I switched it on today. I immediately shut it down, took it to the bench, looked it over and ran through the resistance and voltage checks. All good.
No blue flash at restart but the growling in the sub was back for a few seconds before it settled down.
I just happened to be adjusting the volume when I heard a pop, saw smoke and it went quiet. The transformer was hot, not too hot to touch, but hot. The 12BH7 continued glowing for the few seconds it took to switch it off
Back to the bench. No components look obviously smoked. The only thing I see is the wire that goes from D6 to IA on the C4S board is scorched. Not at the connection, at one of the bends visible in the photo.
The wire had gotten behind the standoff when installing the SR board and I had snaked it around pretty severely to get it headed back where it belonged.
Does a compromised or broken internal wire here explain the noise, the heat and the sudden quiet? Should I keep looking up stream?
TIA, Karl