Hello all, I recently experimented with the addition of a 1MegaOhm resistor between the pos and neg leads of the output coupling capacitors used in the Bottlehead Crack. I used a 2W Carbon Film as it was the only high ohm and wattage resistor I had around.
The amp has certainly become more lively with this addition. It should also help to prolong the life of the coupling caps as it helps it drain after shutdown.
Argh, I sure wouldn't do this. The caps drain themselves when the amp turns off (you can measure this if you want to double check), and you're creating a path for DC to damage your headphones. Also, the impedance of those output capacitors is well under 100 Ohms across audio frequencies, so you aren't gaining anything in terms of performance by putting a resistor across the cap.
Your resistors will put 0.25V of DC offset on the headphone jack with no headphones, and that offset will vary depending on your headphones. The application of some DC offset to headphone drivers is audible, but not in a good way.