So I've reflowed all of the joints that looked suspect and I've replaced the wire grounding the input jacks, which must've been nicked as Doc said, since it was showing intermittent resistance. This appears to have sorted out my grounding issues. Thanks for the help Doc and CB!
However, now I'm getting low voltages across most of the Speedball's input terminals. Here are the voltages I'm getting.
Small Board
OA 48V
IA 89V
B-A/B 6.2mV
IB 96V
OB 85V
Large Board
OA 84V
OB 48V
G 6.9mV
B+ 94V
So with the exception of OB on the small board and OA on the large board, all voltages are around 40% less than what they should be. 3 out of 4 LEDs are lit on the small board and 2 out of 4 on the large board are lit. Also, when I power the amp I notice a funny smell coming from around the power transformer. There is no smoke, but the 270ohm resister connecting 21U and 15U gets EXTREMELY hot.
I'm assuming there's a short somewhere draining current but I've looked at every joint and they all look good. I'm not seeing anything touching another joint or anything touching the chassis.
Can you tell me if there is somewhere specifically I should be looking? i.e., the transformer connections? Or could it be the connections on the speedball boards themselves? Thanks again for the help!