So I completed my BeePre build and passed resistance checks. Then I plugged it in and noticed that the two LEDs on the A-side of the right channel C4S board were not lit. I proceeded with the voltage checks and found these nodes to have incorrect values. (btw, all tubes glow.)
T6: 188V (should be 146V)
T10: 190.8V (should be 186V)
C3: 1.23V (should be 3.5-4.5V)
C7: 188V (should be 147V)
C9: 188V (should be 147V)
Suspecting the right channel 6𝜋14𝜋 tube wasn't conducting, I swapped it with the left channel to see if the bad readings followed. Sure enough, they did, as well as the two non-lit LEDs. I then pulled the problematic tube to clean the pins, but that didn't help.
Should I go ahead and ask for a replacement?