Joe - how do you like these? I'm in Illinois and like to use local folk if possible and ZMF will be at the AXPONA in April so I can get some hands on with them.
Hi Aaron,
I think they are an extraordinary pairing with the Crack/Speedball and Mainline. While they are not inexpensive, they are very nicely made and well accessorized (including hard case). It's clear Zach and co. have taken great care in the design and build of the headphones.
The Auteurs popped up on my radar as I was contemplating the purchase of either the Sennheiser HD800 or 800S. I was looking for a top-notch pair of phones to use with my Mainline. I wanted something that would deliver the sort of synergy the HD600s do with the Crack. I couldn't decide between the two Sennheisers, each of which has its own pluses and minuses. So -- being analytical by nature -- I investigated what else was available. At first I was skeptical, since I didn't know much about ZMF and generally stick to companies that have been around awhile and have a solid reputation for quality and service. What I learned was that, though they haven't been around all that long, Zach and ZMF have built a solid reputation.
From an audio-quality perspective, I would would describe the Auteurs as being detailed (not hypertransparent), nuanced and realistic in their rendering of mids and highs; they are by no means etched sounding. The mid-bass and bass are well articulated and punchy; when low frequencies are present, they are reproduced in a way that sounds natural to me. A plucked or bowed double bass, for example, is sonorous and has extraordinary pitch definition. What they are not is a pair of Audeze LCDs, which have what I would describe as slam on the low end. Imaging and sense of space are exceptional.
If I had to describe them, I would say they sound like a vintage pair of Klipschorns driven by a vintage Mac tube amp.
What I didn't expect is how much better they sound with the Crack than the HD600s. I own a pair and will not be getting rid of them anytime soon. But, the 600s have pretty much sat in the drawer since I acquired the Auteurs.
Once I decided to buy the Auteurs, I kept my eyes open for a used pair. I saved a few buck and couldn't be happier with the them.
Hope this helps.