I will the the naysayer here and recommend not attempting this in the manner you're considering unless you're planning to go with some kind of black paint.
If you're attempting to do a color, you'll want to detach the volume pot and headphone jack from the chassis and let them hang, then cover those holes on the bottom with masking tape. You can unbolt the 9 pin socket, remove the retainer ring, then pull the socket out slightly and wrap it in masking tape (but leaving it in the circuit). The octal socket can be disconnected and left to hang, which will give you access to cover the holes. The IEC power entry module and power switch can carefully be pressed out of the holes if you use a small flat head screw driver to press on the retention clips. You don't need to pull these all the way out, just enough so your paint can get to the metal that's under where each of those objects rests on the panel. The RCA jacks should probably be desoldered and removed. The power transformer can be taped up pretty easily.