I have a lot of headphone amps....actually too many!!
I rotate them every week ot two and am always enamored with the "new" amp in rotation.
Today the Schitt Vahalla2 went into semi-retirement and the Crack with Speedball and the new Alp pot came into rotation.
Using a RCA 6AS7G coke bottle and a NOS 5963 .
Listening as I write, with Beyer T1 2nd gens....
In one word "AWESOME"...
Absolutely marvelous soundstage and imaging..holographic...live performances are very realistic...
More than enough power to make the T1's dance...
Said this before and will say it again...this amp the way it sounds right now could easily be the end game to me...
Yeah...its that good....
This amp is a steal!
......and I have a Mainline as well....which indeed is GREAT....but dont feel that you cant have a wondeful audio experience with a simple down to earth